1: Top 5 new songs on the i pod.
2:Top 5 things im over real fast.
1:top 5 lists
3:talking to annoying people
5Snow(its similar to rain, only cold)
3:Top 5 favorite activities.
5:People watching
4:Top 5 TV Shows.
1:The City(chin)
2:The Hills(chin)
3:Sponge Bob
4:1000 ways to die (real fake ways to possibly injur yourself is a better name)
5:Intervention (makes me feel good about my life)
5:Top 5 places to waste time:
1:Mediocrefacemelt(Felow blogger/ripper Jeff Hill)
2:Thrasher(Conrete wave brahh)
3:Metal Bikes (Very entertaining, and its a blog!)
4:Facebook (come on you know it was goin up)
5:TooBuckToBlog (These kids are hot and hillarious)
And a video to cap it off, This Feller rips.
Haha Taylor Swift came on my radio today and it reminded me of you singing it the other day and made me laugh.