He was pumped to wear his boots and breaker. Then again who wouldnt be.

I arrived at the beach afer picking up Chris only to find lovely waist high clean waves. So it was time to paddle out brahhhhh

Just as I was done gearin up Toobucktoblogs number one fan Ben, rolled up with a nice skid through the parking lot and happily greated us with a smile.

Ben decided to paddle out with me for a few ill minutes, he got real rad real fast and killed some waves.
Cj showed upp ready to paddle out in his summer suit, (the waters still real cold Cj, just so ya know next time,) but he was pumped to be out in any condition

Me and Chris "ma boots" Botsch parted ways with Ben and Cj and found our selves on our way to pick up our tuxs for the Silver Lake prom tomarrow night. Jeff hill joined us and we ventured to none other than the Kingston mall, Maddie met up with us to complete the blogging square,( Me Chris Jeff and Maddie)

(Bloggin on the road, thanks Chris)
I desperately tried every store for a job again, no dice, if anyone has job suggestions then please share cause im real desperate. I left the mall leaving behind Chris with Jeff and Maddie, Till tomarrow, STB
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