We got murdered out fo da prom, black on black is how we roll

Chris was real tired the next orning but I had to wake him so I could make it off to band. The astonishing, mind blowing, heart throbbing, daughter stealing, bad ass band of Gates Layne had a band practice to get underway. Now we have been working on some new originals that will soon be released at our next show. But this band practice was different, The boys, ianand john wanted to get out to find some new threads to wear around, so I took them out ( for there first time) to the Salvation Army. We took an ill minute out of our day to find these..

John got this awsome 60s fur coat..Looks awsome

ian was real happy that John got this cause he had been looking for a coat like this for a real long time, he was also happy to show off his new shirt..

REAL phycadelic, as for me I got an awsome white paisly shirt. no big deal,
Check the Gates Layne myspace and come to our shows.
see you there
I love love love your prom pose guys! You're adorable and my new favorite couple!!