Ahh a nice flow park for a change..

Chris and Jeff get gnarly in the pool..

Chris got frustrated with skating and dove into the deep end... take it to the knees chris!!!

Jeff Hill Front tail..

Radest frontside...however totaly 80's photo.
All in all the park was awsome, we had a ton of fun cruisin around and getting some tricks. It was a good change of scenary.
After a few hours of skating we left to go back to to the south shore. We stopped at chriss and things got a little wacky..

Chris decided to wear this free helmet the whole way home..
Chris leaft the tribe and to hang out with some other homies while jeff and I went bowling. I picked up some monster twins for only $3.6o.

Some day scientists will find out that energy drinks rought out your stomach lining..till then, CHEERS!
We stopped to fuel up then headed back to Plym park for a night sesh and jeff broke out his razor scoot that he got at the dump earlier on that day.

We were over this place real quick when we realized it was no Wellfleet so we ran outa there faster than a west bound freight train on crack. We parted ways and said good night untill tommarow.
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