Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lawn Jobs in the Rain

When it rains it pours they say, and thats just what it did yesterday. I (Oliver) sat around for most of the day and eventualy went out surfing at 4 in Shituate. I came home and called up the crew to see if they would be down to rip some concrete waves in the city tonight. Of corse they were so we decided to make our way to Alston to skate a nice dry schoolyard with a roof sheltering the rain...

C botsch bailed outa work an hour early and I picked him up across the street at McDonalds..
We headed south bound to pick up Jeff.

On our way back It started POURING, we had to drive real slow cause we couldnt see the road. We finaly mad it in and Went to pick up our fellow filmer friend, American Boy Tin Tran..

We headed over to Jackson Man after saying a quick hello to k botsch and k demps. When we arived at the school it was soaked! Apparently the raain was blowing sideways because it was everywhere. We made a quick desicion to go check out another spot, the cavern taverns over near MIT. Wamp. soaking wet. Now you are probly saying "well obviously they are wt it was raining" but they should have stayed dry because they are all welll covered by roofs and walls, nice work Boston you build shitty buildings.
One last try. Tin knew of some tranny and curbs in the Prudencial garage, so we drove over that direction.

Along the way we so these drunks that were totaly in to being photo graphed until it lasted 5 min..
Botsch took out my camera flash and started blinding peoples eyes along the way, shooting it at every bystander we passed...
We finaly got to the garages and our session began way down deep in the back corner of the garage, The tranny ended up being wet so we just skated the chowder out of these nice slick yellow curbs till around 12 then left.

Way down deep bellow the streets, this place was one hundred degrees, everyone was swetting real bad within 5 min.

GO jeff Go!

Tin Tran drinkin his drank after the sesh.
We dropped off Tin around 12 and headed back to the Shouth Shore. Hopefully the rain will stop so we can get in some out sessions.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rhode Island Sucks Crap

I (Oliver) met Jeff down at plym park today wich was a real dissapointment after wellfleet yesterday, but non the less its home so its awsome. He showed up with 420 sprayed on his board (as a joke) because today was april 20th. This was hillarious because we dont smoke the sticky icky, however everyone in the park was blazin up the cali real good. I told him he would curse our day because of it...little did we know.

Jeff nose bonked the chowder out of this bicycle. nice work amigo...
However today we decided to venture to providance park in Rhode Island.
Jeff thought he remembered the way so we figured what the hell lets go for it, I was down, We planed on getting some more footage for the video.
Well we drove the 1 hour down to Providance and tried real hard to find the park but it was super confusing and jeff couldnt remember. Wich I didnt mind at all except I wanted to skate before the ominous clouds dumped their showers of death upon us.
We drove around for 45 min looking and looking. Well Jeff called his dad and he helped out us out huge and found directions on the computer, it turns out it was 5 min down the street. We rolled up just as it started to rain.

Damn you mother nature! your a shitty mother!

Well we got in 10 min of skating in the drizzle then it realy started to rain so we left. BUMMER! the park looked real rad with some awsome flow stuff, oh well we will be back.
On the way home we got turned around and what was supposed to be an hour ride home turned into 2! Piss off world!
As far as skating goes the day sucked reallllllly bad, However Jeff and I made a lifetime of memories from a shit trip, shared some funny stories, drank a whole lot of monstahhhs, and realized how much we LOVE the south shore
DAMN IT and your 420 board cursed us real good. told you, 420 poser

A Day In Wellfleet

Chris Jeff and I decided to take a trip down to Wellfleet park yesterday to get some footy for the video and shred a nice new park. We met up at Kiskadees for a delicious breakfast and headed south on rt 3 till we hit the small surf, ocean, boating town of Wellfleet.

Ahh a nice flow park for a change..

Chris and Jeff get gnarly in the pool..

Chris got frustrated with skating and dove into the deep end... take it to the knees chris!!!

Jeff Hill Front tail..

Radest frontside...however totaly 80's photo.
All in all the park was awsome, we had a ton of fun cruisin around and getting some tricks. It was a good change of scenary.
After a few hours of skating we left to go back to to the south shore. We stopped at chriss and things got a little wacky..

Chris decided to wear this free helmet the whole way home..
Chris leaft the tribe and to hang out with some other homies while jeff and I went bowling. I picked up some monster twins for only $3.6o.

Some day scientists will find out that energy drinks rought out your stomach lining..till then, CHEERS!
We stopped to fuel up then headed back to Plym park for a night sesh and jeff broke out his razor scoot that he got at the dump earlier on that day.

We were over this place real quick when we realized it was no Wellfleet so we ran outa there faster than a west bound freight train on crack. We parted ways and said good night untill tommarow.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Miss America Ohhh Fine, 09

Heres this years contestants for the always wonderful miss america pagent, best of luck ladies!

Gambling Addiction Do' and Donts

I oliver LOVE scratch tickets. They are a great way to spend money when you dont work. I do it , my frends do it, do you? I highly recomend it. I spent 15 bux on them today. I won 2 dollars back. I donated 13 dollars to the Massachusettes economy today. I feel like I did a good deed. However dont just buy if you arent truely dedicated, you cant expect to win your first time! it takes hundreds of dollars just to make back a small percent. Its great. 20 years from now ( god willing I survive the next 20) I cant wait to be that old man that just sits and buys scratch tickets. ahhhh the finer things in life.

p.s. Look at my photos


Yesterday (FRIDAY) started the beginning to April Vacation. Woop. I got home and got in a little pre skate warm up seshion on my cranberry ramp. (Soon to be RIP)

I shortly bounced out that seen faster than a cheetah on speed and head over to pick up Kayleigh.

We made a quick stop to Nora's to drop of some gear for her demo today then headed to Plymouth to get my tux for prom, We met up the jeff hill down at plym park and skated for a few solid hours till we decided to go bowling. Jeff wanted to skate some more so I went and got dinner

Then went to see if Chris wanted to come. He was down..

After a good bowling sesh I parted ways and went home to watch some haunted tv show for a night, yay vacation, finaly here.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dont Hate the Tate..Pt. 2

School sucks, I hate it. Apparently im just too cool for school as you can see.

Once I finaly got out of the hell hole I picked up Chris Crotch and we galavanted off to the Levitate after a quick round of scratch tickets(each one a loser). I was supposed to paint some windows in order to block the sun from getting in the fine establishment.
Cody Got his paint on.

Get gnartsy Dan!

We ate some serious sour patch kids

while we all got gnartsy

Chris got a nice tramp stamp

I repped Harley

Dan and Timmy...dont even know what to say, two rad dudes reppin the south shore real hard
We all got our skate on after some work, Dan hooked us up with some new boards, Thanks Dan, much appriciated, We skated for a few good hours and all payed our dues

I ate chowder....gross
We peaced out as Timmy got his mack on, hell yeah Timmy

Me and Chris got some ice cream at dairy twist and then went to the Hanover Mall ( worst mall on the south shore) so I could get some art stuff at AC Moore's. After a trip home listening to some serious Lady GaGa and Rick Ross we parted ways till tommarow

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I have been procrastonating a LOT lately. I havent blogged in a while cause i keep putting it off, i havent gotten a new job yet, i havent started my 8 page history essay that is due tomarrow, i havent given chris his easter basket my mom got him yet, and i havent fixed the mirror some ass hole named nate punched out on my truck 4 months ago.

So shall we begin?

Monday: I lurked Levitate then met up with Chris and Jeff at Plym park, I had a shit day of skating and just left and went home,
Tuesday: I skated Hanson park for a few hours by my self and then headed into the city to see the BLS show, damn it was crazy, the furst three bands sucked until BLS came on, thats when all the alchohol fueled fights between the bikers went on, it was awsome, so i shuved my way through the crowd and made it to about 4 people back from the front row dead center, yay me.. Almost missed the last train home and after switching from 2 trains and a bus finaly got back to waloston where i rambled home a little after 2 in the a.m
Wednessday: I skiped school, cleaned my room, went to the dump, I arted pretty hard and made some new work, got a suit for my uncles wedding, and skated my ramp.

Yay life.

P.S I had lots of links to put on this but it wont let me do it. wamp

Monday, April 13, 2009

Workin on my night moves

Jeff made a video part for me from one night at Jackson Mann in the rain. Stay tuned for more info on "The South Shore Video"


New art............By me......Oliver...
$100.oo Take it or leave it 

Beer Killers

Slayed Plym park today with the crew,I (oliver) skated like shit today thanks to a badly bent axel and a bad cass of the mondays, Came home found this RAD video. WATCH IT. I followed up this excitement with finding my hip/ass to be all cut/ bruised up from a fall and loosing on a two dollar scratch ticket, thanks gambling addiction..i love spending 90% of the little money i have on scratchtickets. 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Not even worth it

I (Oliver) went to vermont this weekend, chrris was supposed to come but he had work, there was 2 feet of continued to snow..i slept allll weekend, its not even worth posting pictures, 

Happy Easter

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

See my gold tooth? Get out tha' way.

Dave uploaded another section of the classic local video "Beaverskate"

Thanks Jeff!

Jeff made a little montage of himself, Oliver, Sunshine, and myself skating Plym park on Sunday. Enjoy, fuckers.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tubular Tuesday

I (Oliver) started out my day with the plan plan of building a nice new tranny at the infamous brad pit. However the rain discouraged me so I decided to wait for a better day. So what did I do? A serious Plymouth session was in order. Trying to beat the rain me and chris picked up ian and hauled ass to get jeff at his house.
I got Chris first only to find him chompin on this healthy lunch. 
Ian came outa school lookin hot and ready to shred
Things got a little funky at the park when this feller wanted to try on ians crazy v-neck shirt, so Ian nicely swapped shirts for a few while this guy rocked the v.

Chris and Jeff laughin away the rain.
This kid showed up and thrashed real hard...
Jeff put down some burley airs over this concrete table, doesnt look like much but its down hill with rocks cracks and a hefty sized fall to the ground on one side with a wall 4 feet to the other side.
I told Jeff he should mellon over it cause I had always wanted to see someone do it. He said " No way! I dont think I could do that." Then ran to the top and boosted right over it with a fist full of board in his hands.
We peaced out of the park after a while and cruised down town to bomb a few hills. Ian peaced out and we departed to the mall where I bought a whole lotta candy and Jeff and Chris spent a good amount of money on scratch tickets, only to  loose, surprise.
Chris and I bout some shoes for 10 bucks and we headed home with a lot less money and a lot more memmories for the book...or blog.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Red Suade Shoes

So Jeff Texted me around 4 today and we met up at the mall, We stoped in at pac sun and he bought 5, yes 5 pairs of awsome shoes. All vans varying in color and style. Good job Jeff.
I came out with these beauties for only FIVE dollars.

We then took a trip down to savers where Jeff got an awsome tee for only $1.99
I found this warrent cassett that happened to be free!

Exceptional mission Jeff, see you tomarrow!

Top 5 Top 5... again

Well, if Olivers doing one, I guess I should too right?

1. Top 5 New Songs On The Ipod:

2. Top 5 Things I'm Over Real Fast:
1. Quincy College
2. Rain
3. Small talk with people that I really don't want to talk to
4. Like Oliver, top 5 lists
5. Art

3. Top 5 Favorite Activities:
1. Eating Food (for anybody who really knows me, you know this is true)
2. Skateboarding
3. Bowling
4. Blogging
5. Mall-ing/ People Watching
(me and Oliver are far too alike)

4. Top 5 t.v. Shows:
1. Real World
2. WWE Raw
3. Scrubs
4. Daily Show/ Colbert Report
5. Rock of Love

5. Top 5 Places to Waste Time:
3. Facebook (bummer)
5. TooBuckTooBlog... Obviously

And another video to cap it off, THIS guy rips

Top 5 Top 5

Suck it rain, theres nothing to do when its pooring cats and dogs, so heres a list I compiled in the last 2-3 minutes on my Top 5 Top 5.

1: Top 5 new songs on the i pod.

2:Top 5 things im over real fast.
1:top 5 lists
3:talking to annoying people
5Snow(its similar to rain, only cold)

3:Top 5 favorite activities.
5:People watching

4:Top 5 TV Shows.
1:The City(chin)
2:The Hills(chin)
3:Sponge Bob
4:1000 ways to die (real fake ways to possibly injur yourself is a better name)
5:Intervention (makes me feel good about my life)

5:Top 5 places to waste time:
1:Mediocrefacemelt(Felow blogger/ripper Jeff Hill)
2:Thrasher(Conrete wave brahh)
3:Metal Bikes (Very entertaining, and its a blog!)
4:Facebook (come on you know it was goin up)
5:TooBuckToBlog (These kids are hot and hillarious)

And a video to cap it off, This Feller rips.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Fever..Brahh

HELLO SPRING, WELCOME BACK! I (Oliver) awoke to beautiful spring morning today. Blue skies, green grass, birds chirping, and a lovely breeze in the air. I got a very late start by my standards, I arose at 10:00 and went to check the great outdoors only to find the boss, Dave, out admiring his handy work of his windmill.
Yeah he built that, yeah hes the man..
I meandered over to Chriss house and called Jeff on the way, he was headed out of the city and we made plans to meet up at Plym park around high noon, 12:00 for thos who dont know what high noon is.
Plym park was empty when we got there and with 20 min word spread that we were out rippin in full force and everyone showed up real fast.
Chris Crotch and Jeff Hill, mall grabs 4 lif3 brahh.
Jeff got real ill with this mach 10 wallie..

Jeff was real excited, 
Chris backed it with this front wallie, insane trick on insane terrain
Jeff shit this pile of bricks when he saw chris's spectacualr airial assualt
TRICK OF THE DAY: goes to Jeff Hill, air to no handed pogo to switch drop back in, congrats on a truely insane trick dood.
everyone was there to see the 10.buck crew put on another crazy demo with the likes of jeff chris and oliver,( Shout out to sunshine, lookin good brah)
we took an ill minute to relax and enjoi the spring weather, thank you mother nature.
Things got rowdy when mike got picked up by the neck by this fella here..careful boys id hate to see you go home in a body bag.
Trevor was there of corse, apparently we started a blog craze and now he has one to, piss off trevor ours is better, keep tryin tho.
We all enjoyed some laughs in the sunshine..
We cruised downtown to skate some of plymouths finest spots for a few hours and everyone put down some feel good, fun tricks, we scoped the ladies, hot cars, and hot spots, after bombing some hills we headed to the park and then shortly went to the mall for food, we met up with kayleigh and her frend brianna for a nice mall sesh to end the day on a good note.