During that time I spent far too much time in airports

I arrived in Tampa at around 6 and drove a few hours to Orlando where we got a hotel room for the night.
Even though it was raining, we had a pretty nice view out our window.
If you look on the left, you can see a big sling-shot bungee jump contraption.
After a much needed nights sleep, we woke up pretty early to head over to Full Sail University.
But of course, I had to get my tea on first...
Our "behind the scenes tour" of Full Sail lasted about 5 hours. It was insane.
They have a full-on studio in there. Everything was "state of the art", as they called it. The camera's they use are the same as the one's used to film the Olympics and American Idle.
I didn't take anymore pictures while I was on the tour, but they had everything from a huge greenroom to a motion graphics studio. And almost every other room I saw is filled with brand new mac computers. Might I add that the campus itself if about 186 acres. Let's just say, I'm pretty pumped to be going there.
After visiting the school, we drove a few hours to get back to my grandparents house in Punta Gorda. Along the way I say some pretty wacky things, like this enormous T-rex.
Want one?
I saw this beauty flying so proudly up over the highway
Oh so proudly...
Some other mention-ables were all the waffle houses and cracker barrels along the way, the orange tree groves, and all the cars with suspension that was far too low.
We finally made to to their house just in time to see the sunset.
This is the direct view from their back door...
I couldn't help but take a bunch of pictures
Grampy was diggin it
Here's the back of their house... pretty awesome.
The next day started off with this little bugger scaring the shit out of me.
Apparently gecko's are everywhere down there, and I'm a big pussy for being spooked by one.
I managed to pick him up with a sandal and get a quick photo of him.
We ended up taking out a boat for the day and cruising around. If anybody has seen me recently, they know that I look like a rock lobster. This should explain it...
Things got majestic for an ill minute when we saw 3 dolphins swimming around the boat.
Although I didn't get any pictures of them, we saw a few gators poking their heads up from the water too.
After a long day on the boat we ended it with a trip to heaven itself; CiCi's Pizza.
Words can't describe how spectacular this place was. All you can eat pizza, pasta, salad, and dessert for $5. I ate 6 plates of food, no joke.
Haha yes Chris you do look like a rock lobster! Until you get to those awesome sock lines!!