Jeff nose bonked the chowder out of this bicycle. nice work amigo...
However today we decided to venture to providance park in Rhode Island.
Jeff thought he remembered the way so we figured what the hell lets go for it, I was down, We planed on getting some more footage for the video.
Well we drove the 1 hour down to Providance and tried real hard to find the park but it was super confusing and jeff couldnt remember. Wich I didnt mind at all except I wanted to skate before the ominous clouds dumped their showers of death upon us.
We drove around for 45 min looking and looking. Well Jeff called his dad and he helped out us out huge and found directions on the computer, it turns out it was 5 min down the street. We rolled up just as it started to rain.

Damn you mother nature! your a shitty mother!

Well we got in 10 min of skating in the drizzle then it realy started to rain so we left. BUMMER! the park looked real rad with some awsome flow stuff, oh well we will be back.
On the way home we got turned around and what was supposed to be an hour ride home turned into 2! Piss off world!
As far as skating goes the day sucked reallllllly bad, However Jeff and I made a lifetime of memories from a shit trip, shared some funny stories, drank a whole lot of monstahhhs, and realized how much we LOVE the south shore
DAMN IT JEFF...you and your 420 board cursed us real good. told you, 420 poser
If I were to compare our day to good ol' mary-jane... I would have to say we got duped with a bag chock full of oregano when we anticipated some dank nugs. And the whole time mother nature was telling us to, "put that in your glass piece and smoke it" as she pissed all over us...
ReplyDeleteahahahah id have to agree, thanks mother nature