C botsch bailed outa work an hour early and I picked him up across the street at McDonalds..
We headed south bound to pick up Jeff.

On our way back It started POURING, we had to drive real slow cause we couldnt see the road. We finaly mad it in and Went to pick up our fellow filmer friend, American Boy Tin Tran..

We headed over to Jackson Man after saying a quick hello to k botsch and k demps. When we arived at the school it was soaked! Apparently the raain was blowing sideways because it was everywhere. We made a quick desicion to go check out another spot, the cavern taverns over near MIT. Wamp. soaking wet. Now you are probly saying "well obviously they are wt it was raining" but they should have stayed dry because they are all welll covered by roofs and walls, nice work Boston you build shitty buildings.
One last try. Tin knew of some tranny and curbs in the Prudencial garage, so we drove over that direction.

Along the way we so these drunks that were totaly in to being photo graphed until it lasted 5 min..
Botsch took out my camera flash and started blinding peoples eyes along the way, shooting it at every bystander we passed...
We finaly got to the garages and our session began way down deep in the back corner of the garage, The tranny ended up being wet so we just skated the chowder out of these nice slick yellow curbs till around 12 then left.

Way down deep bellow the streets, this place was one hundred degrees, everyone was swetting real bad within 5 min.

GO jeff Go!

Tin Tran drinkin his drank after the sesh.
We dropped off Tin around 12 and headed back to the Shouth Shore. Hopefully the rain will stop so we can get in some out sessions.