Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Terrible Tuesdays

After a nice day at Quincy College, me and Kevin decided to go to plym park with Jeff "The Thrill" Hill yesterday. So we headed over to his domain to pick his ass up.
We pulled all the way into his garage...

Someone gets gnarly!

This painting was lying around, so Jeff hooked a brother up and gave it to me. It will soon be hanging on my wall next to my Michael Jordan poster.

There he is!

Jeff built a quarter pipe... real goofy

After leaving Jeff's, we headed over to Savers in Plymouth

This place is awesome. If you haven't been there, you should get your ass down there. The only way I can describe it is like Salvation Army but classier and double the size. And they have a sweet-ass VHS collection...
Might Ducks? got it.

Me... I mean Larry Bird? got it.

Twister? got it.

For all you mall goths out there who are looking to get one of there favorite films for a hell of a bargain, they even have The Crow

Notice by Jeff's "oh fuck yeah" face, how awesome this Twisted Sister Live Christmas DVD is...

Due to his epic flannel, Jeff was pretty pumped on this Paul Bunyan DVD

And last but not least for all you Chad Muska fans out there, they even had a copy of Shorty's Guilty

After an epic trip like that, Jeff had nothing to do but make the goofiest face possible (with his shades from savers on)


  1. i love the mighty ducks. i own all three.

  2. That rules! You should come on down to P-broke and watch them at mah house. D2 is by far the best though

  3. It's my dad who gets gnarly. He might be over 60... but he still gets rickter
