Today rained, like they say, march comes in like a lion and out like a lamb, Well lions are vicious and lambs are cute but this "lamb" like weather sucks,
I went to the mall to meet up with none other than the famous Jeff Hill from Plymouth MA, Plymouths finest, and CJ "Too Fast For Love" Linde.
Cj left after and I had quick bite of candy and monster berfor I picked up some new reading material with Jeff.

I then did a little shoping at Old Gravey, H&M and then took a trip to Holister to see if I got that job I applied for 2 weeks ago. Well after telling me that they were hiring, I went in to find out that they werent..? Doesnt make sense does it, So I wasted a nice afternoon 2 weeks ago in an interview with a dumbass an airplain piolet, and Cj Galapo only to not get this job. Eat shit Holister. BTW thanks for the free surf mag brahhhh.
I parted ways with Jeff and I returned home where I made this awsome creature skateboards stencil

Watched a little of the sponge..

Damn I love that little guy.
Till Tomarrow, Keep it real south sho.
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