WOWIE today was a serious blogging adventure! Yes i blogged my art class field trip to the ICA in Boston to see the Shepard Fairy exibit.

First thing I saw getting off the buss.. a dog in a wheel chair. I like your style pooch.

I got a nice panorama of the Haaba

One of the radest pieces by far, These were two news paper boxes covered with Shepards propaganda.

Crazy wall of colored mirrors..

Me Oliver: " Who wants to be in a picture for my blog????!!!"
Everyone in the picture above;" ME ME ME ME!!!"
Yeah this blogs blowin up..

While T.I just got sentanced to a year and a day..
TY looks of hoping he will get out of the pen soon (note barbed wire). Stay true brah..stay true.

DONT MESS WITH DA DIRTY SOUTH. 10.buck crew aint no joke son, every where you look the sou sho is reppin hard.

TY, "The ICA looks like a jail with this nice barbed wire fence outside."
Good point..
ICA, Institute of Contemporary Art, or ICA, International Correctional Assylum
Well what a wonderfull day! I returned home to hang out with Kayleigh, then the infamous and now Dr. Kevin Botsch called and needed a ride to plymouth to get gnarly. So we drove him there to meet up with none other than Jeff Hill. We all spent a wonderful day at the park and finished it up with some food at none other than the mall. Expected? I think not.
Chris came back from Flo-Rida today looking like a nice red lobster straight out of the steamer, lovely to see you back on the south shore chris.
Until tomarrow.