Tuesday, March 31, 2009

International Correctional Assylum, ICA

WOWIE  today was a serious blogging adventure! Yes i blogged my art class field trip to the ICA in Boston to see the Shepard Fairy exibit. 
Steven King was there of corse..

First thing I saw getting off the buss.. a dog in a wheel chair. I like your style pooch.
I got a nice panorama of the Haaba
One of the radest pieces by far, These were two news paper boxes covered with Shepards propaganda.
Crazy wall of colored mirrors..
Me Oliver: " Who wants to be in a picture for my blog????!!!"
Everyone in the picture above;" ME ME ME ME!!!"
Yeah this blogs blowin up..
While T.I just got sentanced to a year and a day..
TY looks of hoping he will get out of the pen soon (note barbed wire). Stay true brah..stay true.
DONT MESS WITH DA DIRTY SOUTH. 10.buck crew aint no joke son, every where you look the sou sho is reppin hard.
TY, "The ICA looks like a jail with this nice barbed wire fence outside."
Good point..
ICA, Institute of Contemporary Art, or ICA, International Correctional Assylum

Well what a wonderfull day! I returned home to hang out with Kayleigh, then the infamous and now Dr. Kevin Botsch called and needed a ride to plymouth to get gnarly. So we drove him there to meet up with none other than Jeff Hill. We all spent a wonderful day at the park and finished it up with some food at none other than the mall. Expected? I think not.
Chris came back from Flo-Rida today looking like a nice red lobster straight out of the steamer, lovely to see you back on the south shore chris.
Until tomarrow. 

Monday, March 30, 2009

Eat $*!t Holister

Well the camera is finaly home safe and sound so its back to blogging, I promised a few people ( Timmy and Ben if you are reading this) that they would get there pics on the blog from my phone. But I dont know how to get them from my phone to the internet! Technology: its a love hate thing. Anywho ill be back to the Tate for picture retakes so get ready. 
Today rained, like they say, march comes in like a lion and out like a lamb, Well lions are vicious and lambs are cute but this "lamb" like weather sucks,
I went to the mall to meet up with none other than the famous Jeff Hill from Plymouth MA, Plymouths finest, and CJ "Too Fast For Love" Linde.
Cj left after and I had quick bite of candy and monster berfor I picked up some new reading material with Jeff.
I then did a little shoping at Old Gravey, H&M and then took a trip to Holister to see if I got that job I applied for 2 weeks ago. Well after telling me that they were hiring, I went in to find out that they werent..? Doesnt make sense does it, So I wasted a nice afternoon 2 weeks ago in an interview with a dumbass an airplain piolet, and Cj Galapo only to not get this job. Eat shit Holister. BTW thanks for the free surf mag brahhhh.

I parted ways with Jeff and I returned home where I made this awsome creature skateboards stencil
Watched a little of the sponge..
Damn I love that little guy.
Till Tomarrow, Keep it real south sho. 

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Flo' Rida

So as some of you may know, this half of toobucktoblog (Chris) is currently in Florida. I'm taking a few days to visit Full Sail University and spend some time with my grandparents. But as luck may have it, there is little to no internet connection here, so this will most likely be my only post until I get home on Tuesday. And because I'm on there computer that has a dial-up connection, I can't upload any pictures that I've taken so far, so those are going to have to wait too.

But in the 27 hours since arriving in Florida, I've realized a few things

1. People from Florida talk very, very loud.
2. People from Florida drive very fast. In fact, all highways have at least a 70 mph speed limit. But according to my grandfather, you can go up to 88 before any cop will think twice to pull you over.
3. EVERYBODY from Florida drinks iced tea. And if you ask for an iced tea at a restaurant, they ask if you would like it "sweet" or not.
4. People in Florida think it is "cold" outside if it is 60 degrees.
5. Everywhere I've been so far, I've seen at least 3 "mall goth's" or "Juggalo's". When I asked my grandfather about it, all he could say was "their pants must do a number on the washing machine..."
6. On the drive from Orlando to my grandparents house in Punta Gorda,which is about a 3 hour drive, I noticed that every exit on the highway had a sign for a Waffle House and a Cracker Barrel (This is not an exageration whatsoever).
7. They have both Sonic and CiCi's Pizza here.
8. They don't build houses with basements here, because they will most likely flood at some point or another.
9. They Tampa Bay Airport has an enormous Harley Davidson Store in it.
10. It rains at least once every single day. It could be for as little as 5 minutes or it could be for an entire day. But nevertheless, it will dry up in a matter of minutes.

Hopefully I can track down some internet, but I seriously doubt it.
See ya Tuesday!

5:14 a.m

J-Har partay....still going since 10 last night, ace

Friday, March 27, 2009

This Sucks Ass

This sucks ass, i planed my day around blogging today and i came home to discover my dad took my camera for a weekend outing to our camp in Vermont. How am i going to blog my weekend so that chris can read about it in Flo-Rida? Better yet, how am i going to blog my activities so that YOU can see them. This i dont know yet. Heres a rund down of my day with no PICTURES.

First: Woke up at 530a.m to check the waves cause i planed on skipping first 4 periods to surf. Well the waves sucked ass so i woke up early for nothing.

Second:Went to school.. its stoopid who neads edukation.

Seconder: Went to LEVITATE after school to see Dan the man, (he wanted to be on the blog the other day but i didnt have my camera)

Seconderer: Went to Green Harbour, waves = none. went to beatles, waves =thigh high, fun-minimal fun, yet glad to be in the water

Fourth: Hung out with kayleigh(thot me and chris got pictures of her the other day for the blog, yet we somehow didnt, wtf right?)

Fifth: I write to you explaining my situation, i plan on bloging tomarrow on my phone and posting the photos, im sure it will be gnarly charlie. untill then...happy blogging

Ginger Ice Cream?

The majority of our day yesterday was spent working/hanging out at Levitate Surf and Skate.
But at 6 we left to go pick up Caroline and Mary for nice trip to Dairy Twist

We drove through P-broke center... I couldn't help myself from blogging the shit out of it

Babe Alert!

Oh hell yeah...
Sidenote: Thats a woman

Long story short, we all got ice cream. I told Oliver that I would buy him whatever he wanted on the menu, as long as he got a chocolate covered banana to hold in his other hand. But we soon found out that they had no more frozen bananas (apparently they are a hot item). So instead I went up and got him the next best thing, ginger ice cream. From previous experiences I have found out that this flavor is in fact, terrible.

For those of you who have not tried ginger ice cream before, don't. The taste is very similar to that of a tree... or a red haired man.

I was pretty excited to present Oliver with his second helping of ice cream.

This is about as far as he got before spitting it out and calling it quits on the ginger ice cream.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I can't wait to see this movie.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Terrible Tuesdays

After a nice day at Quincy College, me and Kevin decided to go to plym park with Jeff "The Thrill" Hill yesterday. So we headed over to his domain to pick his ass up.
We pulled all the way into his garage...

Someone gets gnarly!

This painting was lying around, so Jeff hooked a brother up and gave it to me. It will soon be hanging on my wall next to my Michael Jordan poster.

There he is!

Jeff built a quarter pipe... real goofy

After leaving Jeff's, we headed over to Savers in Plymouth

This place is awesome. If you haven't been there, you should get your ass down there. The only way I can describe it is like Salvation Army but classier and double the size. And they have a sweet-ass VHS collection...
Might Ducks? got it.

Me... I mean Larry Bird? got it.

Twister? got it.

For all you mall goths out there who are looking to get one of there favorite films for a hell of a bargain, they even have The Crow

Notice by Jeff's "oh fuck yeah" face, how awesome this Twisted Sister Live Christmas DVD is...

Due to his epic flannel, Jeff was pretty pumped on this Paul Bunyan DVD

And last but not least for all you Chad Muska fans out there, they even had a copy of Shorty's Guilty

After an epic trip like that, Jeff had nothing to do but make the goofiest face possible (with his shades from savers on)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Respect your elders. This is my new hair metal playlist. Its a crappy picture but its everything from WASP, Motley Crue, Poison, Motorhead, Britny Fox, and Winger. Get out the big hair, hgh heels, and fishnets..its gunna get real 80s real quick.

A quick look through Donna's record collection

My mom still has all her old records, so I figured I'd let you all take a peak into some of her favorites.

The original movie soundtrack from Saturday Night Fever... classic
Here's my personal favorite, The original soundtrack from Grease

Here's a pretty good one; The rolling Stones- hot rocks (I think Kevin bought this for my mom)

Hotel California... oh god
Donna Summer- Bad Girls
I just like this one because she looks very similar to the super freak himself, Rick James
This one is so awesome. The Best of Sonny and Cher
Sidenote: Donna has seen Cher live more than once

And last but not least, The tenth anniversary album of Sesame Street
Sidenote- Donna looks very similar to Big bird

Monday, March 23, 2009

Go dj, thats mah dj

Better late than never! Saturday's post

Saturday started off with me getting flamingo-ed

We took a break from our usual plym park, and went to Hanson for a change.

Even jeff made the trip from plymouth to shred with us

Babe Alert!

Yeah I built this thing, and it was real stupid

Oliver fell and cut the back of his foot real bad

He was cool with it though...

Things got real beautiful for an ill minute

There was a hawk getting a nice aerial view of the park

Jeff really likes monster

He also really loves powerslides

Me blogging Oliver, who's blogging jeff, who's blogging his skateboard... oh hell yeah

Stopped by the Berry residence before heading out to the mall... again
Lenny greeted us at the door

He gave no love to Jeff though... pussy

Ladies and gentlemen, the Berry Family

Rob Halford was there

Stop light blog sesh out of the sun roof

Got my quesadilla on so hard

So did my pants

Worst sweatshirt ever? I'd say so

Dillon showed up...

K-man and buddy were getting their food on

Jeff with his bff- sunshine

We said goodnight to Jeff and headed to Oliver's to shoot some pool

I ended the night with a late night hill bomb with Oliver following is his truck