Monday, June 29, 2009

ITS ME!!!!


Friday, June 26, 2009

Today From Pembroke

Yesterday I saw Maddie, I was skating Muff Park with Ray, John, Kevin Dempsy, and Chris Botsch. She saw us and stopped by. She still bloggs wich is awsome. We then returned to Johns, then Chris and I skated Yellow ledge and a good double sidded curb till 12ish. 
Today I mowed my lawn. Then I went to Plym skatepark to skate by myself and get some me time. Plym park is "close due to vandalism untill further notice". There is no grafitti in the park, and no trash. So I dont know what the vandalism is. However I skated the park and then headed downtown to scope the scene, watch some people, and check the laddies. It was fun. Tomarrow I am off to the city, not sure what part yet, just to go skate some spots solo. It should be a fun day.
I like this guy, hes funny, the first scene thats black and white is from Harvey Spannos, the great Blair Stanley skated it

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Saturday at the Races

I headed to vermont over the weekend for the first race of the 2009 NECC season. On the way up we picked up a new front tire..
And then we  put it on..
My uncle and cousin came to the race and hung out
It was a small turnout compared to most races with about 40 people, this time there were only 27
so I got ready to beat thos 27 people.
and I was off..
and going and going
while I was out racing this guy got his 50ft trailor stuck in the field, it took his truck my dads truck and a side by side to pull it out.
I finaly got back after an hour and a half of the deepest stickiest and slipperiest mud.

I ended up placing second in my class and we headed out with a new trophy.
next race should be fun

Monday, June 22, 2009

Harvey Spannos

Just saw this movie last night, it was awsome

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Well Fleet: Take Two

What a day, I called up good ol south shore shredder abe dubin to see if he wanted to roll down to wellfleet park for the day, at around high noon i picked up him, his brother Isac, and Skerry to head to the lovely arm of Massachusettes.

I met met this guy Marcus who worked at the park, he was this rad surfer/skated from the 70s and 80s, he knew the fellow levitate crew.
He used to shape boards and shoot for skatebaorder back in the day of concrete waves, pools and snake runs. He showed me some of his photos of Steve Alba, The Z Boys, Duane Peters, Steve Olsen, Jake Phelps and who ever else you could name. Guy was legit, he took some photos of us in the pool for the blog, Thanks marcus, we will be back this summer.

"cold beer and friendly service, brillianttt!" The theme/moto of the day.
It caught up to some of us..
Wellfleet sesh was real good, just solid fun ripping from everyone. We headed out after 3 or 4 hrs and went to sandwich  park. by far the sketchiest park ever. I jacked up pick up ruck rolled up with a huge confetterat flag on the back, Stars and bars for life.....?  This was our second hot spot of the day, it was a super tight sesh and everyone was killing it.

Isac chillen after a days work.
Abe gets his jub on while skerry takes an ill min. to relax

Found this "angled" ledge but it was a chunky muff, with real rough ground, it was slideable but not that well.

Abe saw the opportunity for a wallie..

However it didnt work out due to more rough concrete on top of the manual pad/ledge/wallie

Befor we left we saw this hot tag, yeah sandwich get gnartsy
Well the day ended for me back on the south shore but the rest of the crew headed to the city for a stay over night. Hey marcus, if you end up reading this check out my photos, from a fellow photographer,
Till the next adventure, goodnight world

All Asia

Still figuring out the tricks to photoshop, but heres the flyer, put it on your calenders and check this site.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gates Layne: Blowin Up...?

So ive been tryin to promote the shit outa my band Gates Layne lately, ive made t shirts stickers all kinds of stuff. Ive been pasting our name around the towns so keep an eye out. I got us hooked up with the Afton production company from Boston. I sent them our stuff  and they had 2 shows for us at the All Asia in Cambridge by the next day.They were really pumped on getting us shows ASAP.  Unfortunatly we couldnt play them cause ian. our singer/guitarist wont be around. However mark August 9th on your calenders because we will be in the city playing a show at the All Asia. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Finally home from Alabama, after a 3hr drive from Montomry AL to Alanta GA we then got on a 2 hr plane ride to boston followed by a 1 hr drive home, heres some random pics from before, during and after the trip...

Hung out with Mathew Paul Flynn a few days befor I left
found this lovely lady in his car
took off for artsy!
You DONT eat here ever, they are very sketchy and very dark. 
my uncle works at an airforce base that we visited, theres stuff like this all over
and this..
the trip was boring and it rained, I thought about killing myself for an ill minute
theres the married couple and the reason we went to bama
things got violent.
I tried actualy killing myself in the car ride there..
GAtes Layne shirts are inally printed the first batch is done, they are 1obux, 

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hotel lurking

Still in the dirty sou.

 today was the wedding. it was nice. there was no dancing at the reception witch was rediculous, i was pretty bull. I saw a small lizzard at the church. 
and a pimp with blue suade shoes and a blue suit at the super market. 
Gates Laynehas some shows coming up in the city soon, stay tuned to find out the official date, and when I get home the t shirts are going to press, 
peace homies

Thursday, June 4, 2009

blogging from my phone. just bowled the shit outa some alabama lanes. the have some pretyy radical skate spots i must admit. however its rained allll day

Alabama, Land of Stars and Bars

Im currently in alabama, yes ALABAMA, for my uncles wedding. It was a 3 hour plane ride down to the Atlanta airport, followed by a 2 and a half hr, car ride to montgomery alabama. Now I get to sit in a hotel while it pours rain allll day, However three good things I have found out
1. There is a bowling ally next to the hotel with 99 cent bowling
2. They have sparx extra strength, (only a select few will understand the greatness of this)
3.There is a waffle house across the street,(sooooooooo sketchy)

I was forwarned to watch out for the "stars and bars". I will take that into heavy consideration.
pictures coming soon...yay

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Disposable Camera

I've been buying a lot of disposable camera's lately, and I just got three of them developed. The girl at CVS kinda blew it when she developed them, so most were just blurry and cruddy. Here's some that made it through though.

This next one is my personal favorite because its actually two pictures that got cut into one.